Sticky Spot Fix

Whether you’ve done Pilates a few times or you’ve been doing it for years, this tip will be helpful. It’s not hard but rather it gives our work more intention and thus making it more mind/body+spirit.

We all have sticky spots in our bodies and Pilates can bring awareness to where they are. These are spots that don’t like to move freely and make you feel <ugg> stuck and sometimes they prevent us from exercising all together. Some notice these spots right away because they literally can’t go any further and some can keep moving along recruiting other muscles to cheat and get through the exercise. Regardless, we want Pilates to build strength and be corrective and improve our bodies so we must address these sticky spots.

There are many factors that affect how one navigates these exercises and feeling stuck: body composition, stress levels, and learning styles to name a few. I could dive deep into all of these topics but I’ll keep this post about that FIX. Your fix is: breathing through it. There is a very particular way to breath in order for it to be a tool, however. You must breath in and out through your nose, the inhale and exhale should be be full (4-6 counts), and the breath should fill up and empty your lungs in such a way that you can physically feel it. If this feels abstract/impossible- then just make your breath perfectly quiet. It'll will force you to send that breath barreling down to the lowest part of your lungs.

Step 1: Lie down on the floor with bent legs

Step 2: Place your hands underneath the sides of your middle to low back- right at the base of your ribs.

Step 3: Inhale through your nose and send the breath to where your hands are and you should feel the ribs expand into your hands. You’ll find it easy to move the ribs higher up so challenge yourself to expand the lowest part of your ribcage. Ideally, your back fully connects to the floor.

Step 4: Exhale through your nose and keep your back pressing into the floor. You should feel your stomach pull towards your spine. Do this for 10 full breaths. This sets your breath for your entire workout.

Which leads us to our first exercise in the mat series, the 100. Practice pumping your arms beside you with your focus on sending your breath to the base of your ribs. Now try the roll up, the roll over, and so on.

Try prefacing your next home workout w/ this emphasis on breath and you’ll experience a fuller physical ritual and more freedom of movement.

Leave a comment or question below, I’d love to know how it goes.


it can be the difference between moving and not moving